University Placement
Tastier Placement Latte With Lots Of Milk

Placement Facilitation – Creaminess On Every Sip
It’s tough job to work in a placement cell of an university. With students looking to be placed and kick-off their career, placement needs to be streamlined. Here, the Placement Facilitation software comes in handy. It is designed to manage the placement of the students, save time and reduce placement woes.
The software keeps track of interviews and invites application from students. Students can create and edit profiles and upload Resumes for validation, search and apply for jobs, track their application status and more. By using advanced search, students can find the best job opening and recruiters, the tips and tricks to create the best resume. The best thing? It’s all in real time. So, tracking of job application process at all stages of placement becomes a piece of cake.
Placement Facilitation – The Video
Concocted With The Best Beans
Advanced Search
Search for the best resumes using advanced search option.
Easy Report Generation
Generate various reports as per the needs of the university.
Maintain the database of student profiles.
Automated notifications or reminders via email and SMS related to placements can be send by the employers to students and administrator.
Additional Features
- User friendly and orderly mannered.
- Approval of the employer and the student by admin to avoid unauthorized users.
- Submits resumes using online registration templates that can be accessed by the employer.