Your Perfect Smoothie Of A Library Of Research

Arranged With A Cherry On Top
Research work is interesting, but managing documentation – tedious! It’s like a necessary evil for researchers. Fortunately, Thesis Repository Software is the sin eater. The software has a provision to add a new thesis, approval of the thesis, etc. This means – no duplication, no chance of work being lost and less sleepless nights of research scholars. Moreover, the quality of research increases with archiving and easy access. Plus researchers can easily refer related and existing papers and students enjoy open access of published document to read, copy and print.
Research/Thesis Repository – The Video
Cool & Refreshing
Exclusive Search
Search strings using degree, college, department, student identification number, guide name, keyword or abstract title.
Language Flexibility
Upload the thesis in any local language in pdf format.
Quick Retrieval
Retrieve information – in a flash.
Cumulative report, Abstract report, etc
Additional Features
- Enter the details about the thesis and its author like author identification number, author name, guide name, college name, department, year of submission, abstract.
- View or print the complete thesis free of cost.
- View of dashboard for each login with thesis status and count details.
- Approved thesis is available for search by the users.
- Edit and preview abstract before approval, in relative comparison with the hardcopy.
- Export of submitted thesis to excel format.